James: I just got into centerfire with an H&R Hornet before Christmas 2008 and have put about 750 rounds thru mine, 500+ rounds being reloaded. I have used 40gr VMax, 40gr Nosler BT, 50gr VMax and 40 gr Sierra BK, and 40gr and 45gr Sierra Hornet bullets. Some folks said not to expect the 50gr VMax to stabilize in the H&R, but they do fine. Like LaOtta222 the throat is long and I know exactly what you mean when the Vmax is seated too deep. I solved that problem by filling the case with L'il Gun, about 12g or so, and seating to min 1.825 and max 1.850. The compressed loads shoot really well, produce little pressure, and the loaded cartridge does not look funky. The boat-tail of the Vmax and Nosslers allow my lee seating die to not crush the cartridge rims with a full case of powder. On the other hand, the Sierra BK will crush a case mouth with their flat base every time. I finally woke up and skimmed off just enough powder so it topped out about 1mm below the case rim, and they seat just fine. FWIW.