As a city boy, I have no need of an auto rifle to defend the home in most situations; if I were to engage someone 50 yds from my fence I couldn't truthfully say it was in self defense unless an individual was plinking at me from that distance (not likely).
Even if I were to have to leave my property (still being in somewhat close city quarters), I would opt to carry only a reliable semi-auto pistol with as many mags & ammo as practical.
However, if I needed to walk out where I might be targeted across an open area I'd want a light, short (concealed until needed), hi-cap semi-auto in .556 or 7.62x39. IMO, anything with less firepower isn't scary enough to keep heads down long enough to have a good chance to get to cover.
When I had Uzi training years ago, the instructor asked the class "what's the 1st thing to do when you have a stoppage?" I leaned to my buddy and whispered "toss it and find a real gun?"