Pretty much what Don says. I find a lot, but not all, of scales to be available in 3/8". I often order blocks that are 1" in width, and cut then in half with my bandsaw with a metal cutting blade...they're stiffer/heavier than the ones used for soft materials. Right now I'm doing a series of 7 knives for this lady who had a huge, dead Rock Maple cut down a couple of years ago, and she gave a couple of boards, which are 1 1/2" thick, to cut into scales. That involved my table saw, my grinder with 40 grit belts and my disk sander with 80 grit discs; mainly because she's going to look at them and I had to clean them up so she could see all the various grains. After she picks out the one's she likes I'm going to recommend stabilizing them through WSSI. She likes the stabilized wood in the pictures I've shown her.