Those of us that have an older version oversize 44 Magnum barrel, one of mine is one of these. How about sending it to Mr. York for a re-chamber and re-bore to one of the following cartridges. The 44 Magnum max case lengths are 1.285. The 480 Ruger max case lengths are 1.285 and bullet diameter of .475, and the 500 Special max case lengths are 1.285 and bullet diameter of .500. Another would be the 475 Linebaugh at 1.384 max case length and the .475 bullet diameter. Since all are rimmed cases, no problem there. All fall between the 44 Magnum and 500 S&W Magnum power/pressure levels, no problem there. There are lots of cast bullets of .475 and .500 diameters so no problem there. Only problem I see is deciding which one?