An old gentleman owned the 12ga. gamester that I now have. He never had a problem with the now old bolt action. I do know this, you need to keep that sight dome in place, as it retains a screw for the breech that has something to do with retaining the bolt. Besdes, that sight dome really does work, as I've used it for a rear sighting device to shoot slugs, and I was well pleased with the accuracy shooting Remington managed recoil sluggers. And not only that, but you can open that choke all the way to cylinder bore which is excellent for shooting slugs from smoothbores. With the dandy new recoil pad I installed has recoil about like a 20ga. of same weight. Remember these older bolt actions are chambered for 2 3/4" only. I believe this is where some of the problem was, some people not satisfied to leave good enough alone tried shooting to heavy of reloads or handloads from these old guns only to end up with the bolt blown out. I have shot winchester superX slugs from this, along with remington sluggers, the standard rounds from walmart. Don't like the recoil, so I shoot the remington manged recoil slugs only. scout4<><