I've always found it perplexing that many Americans (including conservatives) find large industry profits problematic. In fact, they believe that "excess" profits should be taxed at massive rates, even if the profit percentage is comparable to smaller corporations. Barbara Boxer proposed that the oil industry should be taxed "windfall profits" taxes of 90% on oil profits generated last Summer. The problem is (to me) that we never hear of proposals to address equally large losses of corporations when commodity prices fall. The oil producing companies are reporting this week. Profits have fallen 76% from last summer. $50 oil is breakeven point, $30 oil is catastrophically destructive. HMMMM..., where's the clamor for rescue as oil prices fall?
Moving on to our manufacturing industries, the US now has the highest corporate tax rates of any industrialized country. These tax policies have been a driving force pushing manufacturing overseas. American corporations are exposed to confiscatory taxes, unreasonable tort liability, exhorbitant labor costs, and pitifully poor management. The results? Our economy has moved from nearly 70% of jobs in the US being manufacturing or farming to under 20% (12% manufacturing of any kind). To replace the income, we borrow for everything (cars, groceries, big screens, police, fire rescue, Social Security, you get the point) So, what do we do? We take the people's money and bail out our core industries with billions of dollars to "save" the few remaining in business. Is this anticapitalist? Is it right to hate the managers who took the bailouts and are catching the brunt of Amercan distain, or is this economic collapse perfectly predictable given the nature of politics and business in America today? Our country only needs so many hamburger flippers and insurance salesmen.
What about shifting the tax burden to our industries, rather than taxing consumers? Do we really believe that these tax costs don't affect the price of their goods? It sure is an easy sell for our politicians to convince the huddled masses that they (the politicians) won't tax them, instead, they'll tax those big corporations, because everybody knows that corporations are inherently evil.
Scapegoating is a very effective tool to gain votes, sympathy, etc. Why do we hate our industries so completely? It wasn't 20 years ago that America promised that any young buck willing to work hard could achieve anything, and this was a virtue. Now we hate rich people as if they were Satan incarnate. I just don't understand it.
Please, somebody explain it to me.