I'm assuming you are wanting to do this on the cheap. Go to an archery pro shop, find a used bow that is already set up by previous owner. The bigger the pro shop the better the selection I find. Secondly those club members most likely have a boot box full of accesories that they aren't using, and may well give away, or at least let you try before you buy.
I would not fret over what is wrong with a used bow. The 3D crowd changes bows like they are underwear, looking for some new magic. Not a thing wrong with the old one at all. If you do find an older hunting bow a new string and harness might be a good idea, getting the bow tuned up at the minimum. If you are paying for a tune up the shop owner should throw in a fitting as well. Get your arrows at the same time as the fitting to be sure they are tuned for your set up, now is not the time to try and save money, that arrow is where the rubber meets the road. Expect to pay a bit more for a used bow from the pro shop. One correct bow is less expensive than two that were very close but not quite.
Those accesories are where the archery industry makes its rent payment. Ten $ profit for every doo dad you hang on there, and they will encourage you to use them all and add adapters to hang more on that bow. The used bow that includes those add ons may save you a ton of money, if, they work for you.