I had some chrono results today that are hard to believe. In my Savage 111 338 Win. Mag. I shot 2 bullets, 2 loads each. For the 215 gr bullet I got average velocities of 3347 and 3490 fps. For the 225 gr bullet, the results were 3193 and 3367 fps. If these were the real velocities, the 338 Lapua would be unnecessary ! I was expecting 2700-2900 fps for 215gr and 2600-2700 fps for the 225gr. The extreme spreads were under 100fps, and the SDs were all under 65fps. If the data was flaky, I would expect more variation.
What makes it weird is that just before I shot the 338, I chronographed 41 and 44 loads. I got about 1100fps for Unique loads and 1400-1500fps for H110 loads; in other words, expected velocities. After the 338, I shot my 223. Velocities were about 3200fps, again as expected.
I can't explain the high 338 velocities, and it bothers me because I worry that pressures were high too, even though the primers looked OK and extraction was normal.