rzwieg is right: If you need to use your weapon you have failed.
There is a known fact about men's character. (If they wont do the small the things, they wont do the big things).
Your leaders both good and bad know this, especially the bad. With this knowledge they are empowered.
They gage their ability to rule over you by how you resist them. Predators rely on stealth.
If there is early and hard opposition to their plans they back off. This means you are vigiliant and ready to do what is necessary to protect yourself, family and way of life.
If there is no opposition they proceed. (What we have now) Each of you can finish this sentence.
When I saw the numbers for the 9/12 protest, somewhere around 1 to 2,000,000 I thought they were great. After looking at it....., very depressing. I realize just how weak we are in the face of the opposition. We do not scare them. 300,000,000 people and we had maybe 2.5 million.
So I started to put numbers together to see where our strength is.
GB has several thousand members that are against what is going on in our govenment today. They see the path we are going down. They know it will effect that which they hold dear, their families. They were all there. (remember the small things) They threw down what they were doing and went.
They have all sent letters of concern to their congressmen, joined supports groups ETC.
Now there are other forums on the net that each have several thousand also, that are like mined. They all went also and have become involved. (remember the small things)
There are protest for the 17th of October to protest media bias. It thrills me to know all these forum patriots are going to be there because they (remember the small things).
Now if we could have just gotten some of the sheep from the rest of the herd we would have this situation turned around. We would be the rulers not the ruled because we (remembered the small things).