Man, am I glad I read this post, I thought I was the only one that ever did that on the range. Fortunately, I have my own range, and no one was watching at the time. I did the same thing, in that I loaded my favorite .54 percussion, and left the ram rod in so I wouldn't forget and put a charge over the other one, walked down range to check the target, returned, picked up my faithful companion, and thought whoa, that was one healthy charge, as I touched er off. Walked down to the target again, noting no hole, and figured I musta double charged it, went to recharge it, dropped the powder in, started the patch and ball with the short started, and thought what in the he!! did I do with the ramrod? I found the fiber glass ramrod nearly 200 yards down range, scraped up but still serviceable, fortunately it didn't do any dmage to the bore. RR:oops: