There has been much talk over the years about scope choices for Contenders and other hunting handguns and I have yet to find a traditional type crosshair scope that would work well for my style of deer hunting in Florida. Ultra tiny field of view, critical/changing eye relief, extremely low light gathering capabilities, difficult or nearly impossible target aquisition (deer) at ultra close range, are the things I noticed when trying some popular brands of handgun scopes on guns belonging to friends.
Because my hunting could be deep in a shaded swamp or hammock area or out along a pasture or treeline where shots at deer could be at 30 or 130, or 200 yards with light varying from almost dark, to very dim, to brite light, I could not find a handgun scope that would work well in most or all of these situations. Trying to find a good compromise proved very challenging.
A red dot was suggested and seemed to have merit for most of my typical hunting set ups. I did some investigating and found that some of the national competition shooting teams use the UltraDot brand so I thought they would be worth a try. A little over a year ago I bought one and set it up on my 7x30 Super 14 and have been pleasantly surprised.
Obviously the red dot can be seen in any low light hunting situation and has proved better at long range than I expected. The model I use has a 30mm tube and 3 minute of angle dot which at long distance does cover up some of the target but as long as you concentrate on the center of the dot being your point of impact, it will and does work out fine.
On a recent outing at the range using standard 100 yard smallbore targets my red dot equiped 7x30 Contender using Federal factory loads was shooting 1 1/2" groups at 150 yards. I thought that was a respectable group.
The red dot has a battery, switch, light source, and may or could be susceptable to jarring recoil, rough handling, etc. but so far this combination has worked out well for me. I may buy and change to a regular crosshair type scope eventually if/when I find one that suits me and my eyes. Until then I will keep working and trying to improve with the red dot.
I was just curious if anyone else has tried or is using one of the red dots.