Nice article, Wayne!
In the body you have this code:
<div id="e9" style="position:absolute;left:57;top:17066;width:594;height:503;"><!--$img %ImageAssetImpl:/images/Unertl_Mount_De-Clicked2.jpg$--><img src="sitebuilder/images/Unertl_Mount_De-Clicked2-594x503.jpg" width="594" height="503" alt=""></div>
Just FYI, it might display fine in your browser, but it won't in mine--the photos overlay the text.
If you edit the source, which looks like something that the sitebuilder folks generated for you as you created the page, and change the flow somewhat, it'll be more readable.
Here's a reasonable substitute, if you want to play around with it:
<img src="sitebuilder/images/Unertl_Mount_De-Clicked2-594x503.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="LEFT">
<br clear="LEFT">
<TT><Unertl Mount De-Clicked></TT><BR>
This is a photo of the Unertl mount.......<BR>
All the < and > does is give you the less than (<) and greater than (>) signs in HTML. I copied the source from my website and then pasted in your image and the descriptions. I'd beaten my head against the wall one day trying to get the description bracketed with <>, so it's there for ya for free. Definitely not needed.
What IS needed is the hspace and vspace statements and the align and clear (left in this case--could be center or right). Then your text will flow around the photo just fine.
Hope you're not offended because that is NOT my intention--just trying to help someone who has a lot (and a lot is a LOT) of good information.