Looks like a lobster too me-------yummmy.
Maybe it is a product of LSU and is a gentic hybrid of work done on MUD BUGS----still yummmy.
Cap and trade is at least a tried way of letting the market place police itself.
There is no solution too polution---one MUST break an egg to have an omlete.
The problem began when man demanded a solution to cold and raw food----fire.
Even chariot wheels kicked up dust.
Some fuels that are great for one thing are not great when used enmasse.
Coal, like oil,is/are great and greatly dangerous too us all.
It does not end polution and it can make money.
Alternative fuels are the answer---but their answer has not produced the answer too what pollution, unknown, they might create.
There is one answer---but you must go down too Bible Study too observe the answer.