Keith Olberman, Rachel Madow, Chris Mathews and the other new idiot over at MSBC are biggest liars on this planet. I listened to Keith’s rant yesterday over what the SC congressman yelled out during Obama's speech. Keith is as much a bold face liar and false reporter as there is on this planet. He never once mention the fact that the Supreme Court has already ruled that public health care facilities cannot turn away illegal’s. So even know this bill spells out "No Undocumented Workers" it fails to apply ANY teeth for enforcement or a way to override the Supreme Court ruling on this subject. In addition, what also Keith the clown did not mention is that an Amendment was offered by Republicans to HR3200 that would have given REAL teeth to this issue and it would allow enforcement and give a real override foundation to the supreme court ruling based on current law. Obama, his administration and the Liberals in congress REFUSED to support this amendment. SO, illegal’s of all kinds will get free health care and Obama and Olberman the clown damn know it to be fact!
But are we to be surprised? No. NBC is a division of GE. GE CEO is an ardent Obama supporter and actively provides support to Obama’s Green Initiatives. GE is banking huge cash income off of Obama’s green initiatives by making the products needed. So just follow the green money trail and you know why GE puts up with Olberman’s the clown and the rest of the Obama spin machine that NBC spues all day long.
NBC is nothing more that accomplices is the Liberal lying machine. The hell with all the facts.