they would probably vote Libertarian or Constitution parties. Republicans have two camps, the old Rockafela Republicans and the new Right Wing Christians.
If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.
Ronald Reagan However there are many forms of Libritarianism,
conservative libertarian - interested mainly in economic freedoms following the conservative lifestyle of right-libertarians. libertarian conservatives (or "libertarian constitutionalists") believe that the way to limit government is to enforce the United States Constitution
libertarian Democrat - Libertarian Democrats support personal liberty, economic liberty, limited government and social responsibility
libertarian progressive - believe in the power of the free markets to most efficiently distribute in a resource-constrained world. The power of the individual choice in making the best decisions collectively for society. The need for government in insuring the success of the first two points.
right wing libertarian - "right" of mainstream libertarianism including "libertarian conservatism
Left wing libertarian -"left " of mainstream libertarianism including "libertarian socialism
green libertarian - Green libertarianism (also known as eco-libertarianism) adheres to libertarian political philosophy as well as to green ideology.
free market economics and environmentalism.
Well hey Scoot, Stallin is very popular on Russia still too. There are alot of socialists in America, I am not one and do not support socialism. Hey just admit what you are? Its not illegal to be a sociaist here.
Billy not sure what you mean by come clean, or admit what I am.
As most know I am a christian first , I also believe that the way to limit government is to enforce the United States Constitution (a conservative libertarian View) But as a christian I also believe in social responsibility (a democrat libritarian view). I am also fiscally a conservative. Yet when it come to social issues I also believe we have a responsibility to our common man. Jefferson and Madison both believed in social duties as well and our individual rights do not usurp our responsibilities as a nation for our society and our fellow man as a whole. (the rights of one do not outweigh the rights of many).
For me, Not everything is black and white , so when it comes to HC yes I get torn between various points of view. As my posts regarding the strong belief in the constitution amendment 9 and 10 , Bill of rights, posts of faith , and strong support of individual states rights fully depict. However I am about as far from a
socialist libertarian as you can get.
Post #247 outlines specifically what I believe entitled "what I believe".
That is also why I believe HC Co-op's are the way to go. Join if you want , don't if you don't want to. Those that Join are memebers . Those that don't there is no impact on them. I believe this strikes a balance, and does not impact individuals and their rights that do not want to participate. (just like a credit union)
Maybe it's black and white for you and that's great. More power to you. But for me , I am still searching, reading, listening to others points of view and trying to find Balance when it comes to my Faith, constitution, and helping our fellow man with regards to this HC challenge. That is also why I started posting here to listen to other Points of views , keep an open mind and share thoughts. Howvere it appears when you post something people immediately believe that's your personal philosophy (even when you are just asking what peoples opinions are on a given subject). One thing I'm not going to do is stop listening to others just cause their points of view may differ from mine. . It's called learning. And when it comes to the future of HC it's far too important a subject not to take in all sides.
God Bless