On our local radio station here in Toledo, the afternoon DJ has a 5-10 minute time slot called ''after the bell''. It's around 4:10, just after the stock market closes, and he has an investor on, giving the run down on the days stocks, and whatever goes on in the world concerning money and the economy.
Well, today, the investor was recounting what he had watched over the weekend. One of the political shows he had seen, one of the Obama's henchmen had mentioned that they were hashing around the idea of, instead of sending you back your income tax refund, they would issue you a U.S. Treasury Bond. Now he didn't say weather it would be for the full amount, or you might have to let it ''mature'', for 5-10 years to get all your money. But I'm sure that no matter what they might possible try and do with this, it'll go over real big with the working class. Even the union guys will get fired up if they even think about trying this!! gypsyman