Author Topic: Optimal velocity for fast kills with flatnose bullets? (re-post from F\A forum  (Read 1218 times)

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Offline Davemuzz

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Veral...I posted this on the F\A forum. And some fellow there (he has a pic of himself leaning against a fence post  :P ) suggested you may have addressed this in the I'm gonna re-post this here and see if the fish are biting.  :D

I peruse a lot of subjects\post and I swore I saw a post (which I can't seem to find) that stated for a big bore handgun such as the 454 Casull, there is, or seems to be an optimal velocity for each bullet weight (and I can't recall if this was lead or jacketed...or maybe even both).

Now, when I say "optimal" if my bad memory recalls, it was the velocity that when a bullet of a given grain is shot, it delivers it's "best" damage to the game. (Yeah...I know....what is "best"?). But essentially what the post was saying was you could shoot the bullet faster, but it really didn't expand better, drive deeper, or kill faster than these given "optimal" velocities.

Ok. So, did I just dream of seeing this post.....or was there such a post....or was I wishing there was such a post?

Maybe it is the meds?   8)

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Optimal velocity per 45 bullet weight ? (re-post from F\A forum)
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2009, 10:02:52 AM »
  Leaning against a fencepost has always made good sense to me, if it's a large wood one, and the barbed wire is fastened on the other side.
   I've posted several times on this subject of optimum velocity for fastest kills, and am in fact the person who discovered the fact and presented a formula to the world.  That back in 1980.  No one to date has told me the formula does not work or is not accurate.  I'll add to your title to make the subject a bit more clear for future readers.
  It is for solid non expanding flat nosed bullets, of any composition, but primarily of interest to cast shooters.  Caliber is not a factor.  Only meplat diameter.  Weight isn't critical except to understand that the DV will hold up out to longer ranges and with deeper pentration as bullet weight goes up.  But for bullet casters, most weights which shoot accurately are just fine for deer hogs and bear, which are the bread and butter big game in the states.  To learn more details, get my book, Jacketed Performance with Cast Bullets, available from or email me at    More questions here won't hurt either!

  Divide Meplat diameter, measured in thousandths of an inch, by 4.  Use the answer to calculate Displacement Velocity at any speed for that bullet.  Just multiply the above answer by the bullet velocity in feet per second, and don't worry about what down range velocity will be.  Muzzle velocity seems to be fine, as range is normally fairly short for flatnosed bullets.  I call it the DV formula, which is a relitive number for the displacement velocity of tissue which is liquified by the bullets meplat.
  Optimum DV is 100 to not more than 135.  Higher will result in slower kills.  DV can be as low as 50 to 70 but wound diameter will be a half inch or slightly over through vitals and precise shot placement through the heart of major organs will be necessary for quick kills.  From 80 through 90 and shot placement isn't quite a critical.  Shot placement is always important, but with optimum DV, isn't as critical.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline Sweetwater

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I typed your formula in an 18pt font and posted it over my reloading bench, along with the corresponding numbers that go with my calibers of interest. Keeps me from having to keep re-doing the math!!!

Thanks for the revival of the DV formula!!


Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway - John Wayne

The proof is in the freezer - Sweetwater

Offline Davemuzz

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I'll second the "thanks!" I've got the formula in an excel sheet....but I've been messin with archery reloading and shootin my 45-70.....just 'cause it's fun!!
