I suspect it was just a temporary situation that I couldn't open it. That happens some times and most times when it does just opening a new window is all that's needed and other times I have to close the current window and when I come back it opens fine. Since the rest weren't having problems opening it perhaps that's all it was BUT at the time I was checking it showed no one had viewed it and several folks had seen the thread so I tend to think there was a real but perhaps temporary problem.
My friend Barry up in PA sent it to me via e-mail as he got it to open when he looked. The problem is for some reason my e-mail program will not let me save an image in any format but bitmap which I hate. I've asked Matt to fix it but apparently it's beyond his technical experience level as he says he doesn't know how. Oh well I live with it. I can save in any format from IE but not from Outlook.