The skinney is that even utility grade stocks at Bullberry are usually AA or better grade owing to Fred having his own sawmill and drying sheds. He just doesn't bother with curing Plane Jane wood. The stock work is mostly done by only one person. They try to fill orders as received, but how close they meet projected completion dates really depends on how buried they are in stock orders when you place your order. It varies depending on time of year. You'd be better off just to plan on it a little later than projected right up front.
Another point to keep in mind... they do not start barrels ordered with stocks until the stocks are near done. So its a good idea to put them on different orders if you don't want to wait for the stock to get done before they start your barrel.
Might take a little longer than other places, but nobody offers better natural stocks for the buck than Bullberry.
I can't show you any pictures of utility because all of my Bullberry grip and stock sets are exhibition grade. Here's the last stock set I got from Fred though...