What life would be like in the US if we had firmly remained an Isolationist country? Not getting involved with anyone else's political conflicts, growing all our own food, manufacturing all our own goods, developing all our own energy and natural resources, etc.
Some of the benefits I see:
- no dependence on foreign oil
- no huge trade deficite
- more jobs
- better control over the quality of our food supply
- thousands of lives spared from fighting on foreign soil for the 'benefit' of foreign nations.
- no invasion by thousands of illegal aliens (Separatism to me means well guarded closed borders.)
- not having to press '1' for English
- billions of dollars in foreign aid available to help our ow needy
Possible down sides:
- fewer fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter months (our non-growing season).
- the loss of some technological or medical advances developed in foreign countries.
What are your thoughts?