My buddy went out a couple yrs ago with a guy that told him to get in a stand he had. It broke and down he came. He was limping for a while. We started driving before they had seat belts in cars. I'm just getting used to them only because I don't want a ticket. Probably a good idea now with the idiots on cell phones, texting, reading, eating, putting on makeup (boys and girls)
World has changed in the last 40 yrs. I better strap (duct tape) myself to the tree, too old to bounce.
My bud took his son 16 and a friend to Pigeon River Friday and they got up 15 rabbits and a rooster. Killed 6 and the boys had a great time. I bet it will get hit hard as I never saw many rabbits there. I'll stay away till deer season is over.
Dinny, that yote by your house likely has a few friends by now. If I don't get you a striped fellow to skin maybe you can get one of those yotes.
Get em!