Just a bird I have watched on my property for about three years. I harvested him opening day 2009 (May 1st) at 6:20AM. I got to watch him grow from a jake to this beast of a boss gobbler. In his last year, he never gobbled. He simply did not have to! He had that awesome pale head as seen in his mount professionally done by Alan Pine of Full Struttin' Taxidermy. Please visit his site and view his incredible work. fullstrutn.com. I sent my bird overnight to Ohio from NY and once he was completed, Alan and I met half way in Erie, PA. Awesome guy, awesome prices and, well just look at the quality mount.
I have pictures and video of Big Foot and in every picture he was in full strut. How do I know it was him all that time? Look at his secondary wing feathers. You will NEVER see another Eastern with that GOLD DUST color! Unmistakable. Here is a picture of him live on my property follwed by the mount. Thanks for looking. I'd love to hear about your special birds!