Author Topic: Young Hunters Using NEF rifles..........Great to see !!!  (Read 384 times)

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Offline GeorgiaDave

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Young Hunters Using NEF rifles..........Great to see !!!
« on: November 10, 2009, 01:44:04 AM »
Hello from Georgia,

   In the last few weeks I have been thrilled to see the posts here about the young hunters using single shot rifles to take game. There have been young ladies and men taking deer with NEF rifles and who could forget the young lady who shot that big ol nasty pig !! It should make every one of us here proud to see that there are still adults who are instilling the most basic hunting values in our youth. Teaching a new hunter that one single well placed shot will easily do the job is far more responsible than filling the clip and teaching them how to shoot up the woods. After having been hunting for over 35 years now, I still am very powerfully inspired by seeing a young'un take their first steps toward being a successful and responsible hunter. There is no video game on Earth that can give the satisfaction of spending time afield with an adult who cares enough to teach them to hunt. I know for sure that the kids will NEVER forget these times, wheather we kill something or not. Thank each and every one of you adults from the bottom of my heart.

"Firepower is one carefully placed shot, just make sure that it leaves a big hole."

Offline bobg

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Re: Young Hunters Using NEF rifles..........Great to see !!!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2009, 03:43:34 AM »
   My father started me shooting and hunting. He hunted with me for two seasons. Once he got me going he never hunted again. Said he was tired of having to kiss butt to hunt on someones posted property. :(  At the time most of the locals new i had a couple of beagles and loved to hunt rabbits. I had no problem getting permission. I could never figure out why it bugged the old man so much. I started three of my grand kids shooting. The two younger ones left the state with there fathers. Don't know if they still shoot. The oldest one is still around but i could never teach him anything. He was going to do it his way. I hunted with him twice. He was the world worst shot and i never felt safe being with him. Oh well i tried. ;D

Offline necchi

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Re: Young Hunters Using NEF rifles..........Great to see !!!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2009, 07:07:22 AM »
TY for the kuddo's, and I pass on the praise to others.
 It's been VERY important to me and I have him hooked for life!! :D :D

I started him very young at 5 with just one BB at a time, saftey glasses, muzzle downrange,safety on.
Got his own single .22 at 7, .50 cal trad ML at 9, there was a little struggle for a few years as his freinds got auto loader 22's. At 16, he now scoff's at auto's and his friends know "he can shoot"! ;)
He favors his NEF 20ga, over the old man's 870 and he places high in rendevous comp with that 50. He dosen't know it but I got him a 12 for that sb1 frame, I'll have the mod choke bored to just under Imp Cyl.
The adage is true;
"If you teach your kid's to hunt,,you won't be hunting for your kid's."
Beside, someone gotta take me hunting when I get to be olde an wore out  :-\
found elsewhere

Offline petemi

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Re: Young Hunters Using NEF rifles..........Great to see !!!
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2009, 10:46:37 AM »
My dad was neither a hunter or fisherman, but he knew I was bitten by the bug.  He enrolled me in Junior Rifle Club and bought me a Rem 521T .22 when I was 11.  Then a J.C Higgins 12 ga. pump at 14 and a Marlin 336T .30-30 at 16.  He took the time from his busy life to take me hunting and fishing.  He didn't know didly squat about either, but he learned and helped me in every way he could.  When I got old enough to go it alone, he let go.  He never really enjoyed either, but did it for me.

I believe single shots are the way for a kid to learn to be a safe shooter, a marksman, and a good hunter.  I'm planning to donate all the guns in my signature line into a youth program when I can no longer enjoy them or pass on.

Don't go gittin yo kid no SKS >:( >:(


Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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