Here is a simple description and very simple diagram of my compensator.
1. Weld 2 barrel nuts end to end so that when your barrel is installed with the new welded nut, one of the nuts will protrude past the end of the barrel shroud.
2. Drill and tap a hole in the front face of the under lug on every barrel shroud you want to mount the compensator on.
3. take a piece of aluminum bar stock about3/4" thick and shape it to the outside contour of the front face of the barrel shroud.
4. Drill and countersink a hole for the attachment screw.
5. Drill another hole that aligns with the bore of the barrel just a little larger than the bullet diameter all the way through the aluminum bar.
6. drill a second hole the exact ouside diameter of the barrel nut. This hole should be concentric with the No. 5 hole and only be deep enough to accomodate the protruding part of the doubled barrl nut created in No. 1.
7. Drill holes on a backward angle in the top of the compestor. They can be just holes or cut into slots. (I show slots in the diagram)
8. Mount the compensator to the barrel shroud with the attachment screw and drill a hole cross ways through the attachment screw and the side of the compensator so that the hole passes through both the screw and the compenstor. Slip a roll pin through this hole to lock the attachment screw in place.
follow the link below for the diagram.