Guys I have been doing my part in trying to stop the insanity of what is going on in this administration. We all know or should that it is the most corrupt in history. There is no doubt that we, our children and grand children will suffer if we allow this nosense to continue.
I made the 9/12 project in Washington, the protest in front of 3 news stations on the 17th. There was a lot of people at the 9/12 protest but only 29 of us for the news station protest.
There should have been more at the 9/12 and at the news protest.
Tonight I met the man Tom Garcia that will be running against a liberal that is now a rep in the 24th district of central Florida. One that stated she would vote for anything tiny o came up with.
I ask him questions about his notion of what was going on in the country and what was important to him. The things he openly supports are these.
Lower taxes and spending, defend the right to life, pass a federal right to work law, protect the rights of gun owners, expand care for our veterans, ( he is an ex navy pilot and flight instructor) secure our borders, maintain our military superiority and create new jobs and opportunities.
Each of us must get behind someone that we feel will do the job we need done.
I offered my services as a foot soldier to help his campaign and we will meet the others Nov 3 to work out what? and how? If anyone is in the 24 th district here in central Florida email or pm me and I will get you some info should you need it.
The biggest reason I am putting this out there is to say. GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND HELP. Your children will appreciate it. Thank you