Now this depends some on what kind of powder you shoot. With Pyrodex I have cleaned with the soapy water solution, dishsaop/water, the T/C white stuff, & a concoction of Murphy's oil soap, H Peroxide, & something else. I use Q-Tips, pipe cleaners, & a brass shotgun brush on the threads. I do the barrel likewise. AFTER the gun is clean I apply some lube, usually just gun oil or bore solvent(H-9). This is to protect the metal during storage. The next time I shoot or load I run a dry patch or 2 down the barrel & get the BP all nice & bone dry. I also use a $6 'welding tip cleaner' set on the BP hole when needed to keep it open. With the newer Blackhorn 209 I use mostly Hoppes 9 for a cleaner. I also leave the BP out of the gun until the next time I load. It's good to run a patch through the barrel after a few months of no use.