i don't have any washers in my forearms for floating. i havn't got that fancy yet. what i have done so far with both contender and encore is use a trick of graybeards, only slightly modified. i took three thicknesses of thin metal shims(actually broken tape rule pieces :roll: ), and wrapped them with a couple layers of black electrical tape. i placed one near each forearm screw. you could try that and see if anything changes, or heck if it shoots good enough without it floated, then just use it that way. it could be that load prefers the particular barrel vibrations it gets with the forearm touching. :? keep us informed, and we can all learn from it. all guns are different in preferences. maybe this one prefers no bedding with that particular load. if i was you, i would also hate to get rid of it. just be persistant, and experiment. i know it can be frustrating sometimes. i been trying to get my 6br encore to shoot some varmint weight bullets for a good while now. no luck so far, but i'll not give up. :wink: