Welcome elsie! Mine is a 1:12", the only thing I've shot in it are factory loads, mostly Win white box 45gr JHP which shoot well under 1", I've also shot 52gr Blackhills Match and Ultramax reman 40gr NBT, they both shoot good too, just not quite as good as the WWB, don't have a 1:9" barrel, but they shoot good too and you have the option of shooting bullets heavier than 60gr or so, I only know of two bullets over 60gr that shoot good in the 1:12", the 63gr Sierra #1370 and 64gr Win PP, the 1:9" can shoot bullets up to around 75gr with good accuracy.
The one determining factor you haven't mentioned is ejectors vs extractors, most 1:12" 223s are ejector which are notorious for sticking brass which can be eliminated with a little polishing and tuning, but extractors are more reliable if that concerns you, 1:9" barrels have a good chance of being extractors, but both were made.