The bill was posted up today on MI website. The bill number is HB 5416 and it will have to be put through the House Journal for its first reading, and then be assigned to a committee, which will probably happen next week. Still a chance for this year but depends upon how much support it gets or opposition. Everyone still believes it will go through as written. contact your representative and express support for HB 5416 and maybe we can get it through this year. Although thre are plenty of sponsors for this bill, it wouldn't hurt to get more influence.
When you talk to your representative, please consider using the following arguments:
Indiana already allows pistol calibers in rifle configuration.
The current MI regulation allows the use of a handgun with straight wall pistol cartridge.
A rifle chambered in a pistol cartridge will provide a better opportunity to bring in youth and female hunters since the recoil from these cartridges will be significantly less than a 12 gauge or 20 gauge shotgun slug.
A rifle will be more accurate that a shotgun, thus, improve deer recovery. The reduced recoil will allow both youth and female hunters to shoot more accurately as well.
A pistol cartridge that is currently allowed under MI regulations in a rifle will not significantly change ballistics of same cartridge.
There is no cost or risk to MI for this change.
There will be economic benefit for new hunters, firearms, ammunition and tourism.
Thanks in advance to all that will contact legislative representatives to support this bill.