Thanks for the reply, that is pretty close to what I ended up doing. I got a copy of "Sensational Seventeens" to start working with. It has a table of cartridge case water capacity (full to top) so I measured my case the same way, got 11.1 gr H2O. This was 15% higher than 17CCM and 25% lower than 17 Hornet. I went to load data for these two cartridges and for a given bullet weight and powder type for each I added or subtracted the respective percentages to arrive at an approximation for mine. The two numbers did not match but gave a small range. For SAFETY, I'm not a fool :wink: , I started with 17CCM data @15% below approximate load and worked up by 0.1 gr at a time. So far I only have 20 cases formed so not much data yet. So far I have 20gr VMAX at 2,900 ft/s and 15 gr Berger at 3,400 ft/s, no pressure signs at all and accuracy is acceptable for a first load attempt! These are approaching the LOWER of the 2 numbers derived from the standard cartridges. This is going to be a fun shooter!