two 80 foot towers
Hey Greg: Welcome to the forum. I've been reading your posts on Graybeards Topic. 80 foot towers! That's gettin away up there guy, be careful. I'm just about ready to string up a dipole a little over 30 foot high. I'm going the inexpensive route. A tall young Elm tree and a used Utility pole.
As ozark stated, I'm new at this hobby. I'm game, but kinda old and rusty, and this soldering coax connectins, well, as anythilng else, it takes some practice to get it right.
The weather is finally cooperating, so if all goes right, I'll have that 80meter antenna up shortly. I do a lot of listening, and not much talking on HF. What with a little hearing loss on top of being new to the ham language, I get lockjaw and tongue-tied, trying to comprehend everything. In short it scares me....
73's Larry