That equals 44.64¢ for a box of 50 rounds—that is only the boolit of course…
So, maybe $25 per 5-gallon bucket ain’t all that expensive!!!
All correct, as long as your time counts for nothing.
I cannot count my time as worth nothing, even for my own purposes.
This makes it hard to calculate the
real cost of those bullets 'cause we all are doing other things while we wait for the stuff to melt.
Sometime ago I did the math and figured that my bullets wouldn't be much different from commercial bullets if I had to "make a living" by selling them, (assuming I could sell all that I made.)
The part that made me feel better about it all was the incalculable
"satisfaction" I get from making my bullets exactly the way I think they should be to serve my needs best.
That is what cannot be calculated in dollars.
Genuine satisfaction is worth whatever it costs.