Good Luck Log Eye. I have TWO patriot pistols and my father owns one and between us we have broken FOUR stocks. My father sent his back in a few years ago and they fitted his pistol up with a new stock....good news for him but when I asked TC to fix mine, I found out that ALL of the Patriot tooling and/or parts were lost in a fire a couple of years ago!
The stocks are very thin behind the lock...my gut tells me they will all bust out in time. I only loaded 15G FFFG in mine. Anyway, all TC could offer me was a credit towards a new rifle/shotgun. Got two or three of those already!
Sooo, I opted to have my father (a retired Army officer and cabinet maker) put the stocks back together with steel dowels and glue. He did a great job...but it's hard to get over the fact that I didn't get the Lifetime Guarentee. Guess I still haven't gotten over it... :? I have more fun shooting this pistol more than anything else I own.
Anyway, I think the guy to talk to at TC is Tim Pancurak. Who knows...maybe they can fix you up. It's certainly worth a try. They seem to be good people.