Had a scope on this time had to bottom out height was still 9" to high
Forgot to add powder in one load all were 350gr with 51.5gr H4198 nothing really decisive on use of card or not....best group #4 had 2 cards.
The tail is referring to paper patch flush was at bottom of boat tail and # 5 had paper slightly covering bottom. #6 shot at 200 about size of group #3 add 2" to total size
Think I will reduce charge slightly for next time
#1Tail 2208, 2190, 2208, 2207,no powder ES 18
#2Tail +card 2209, 2244, 2218, 2229, 2233 ES 35
#3Flush+ 1card 2245, 2216, 2206, 2224, 2244 ES 39
#4Flush+ 2card 2211,2197, 2233, 2203, 2220 ES 36
#5 +card 2242, 2202, 2185, 2201, 2180, 2194 ES 62