« on: December 20, 2009, 05:55:02 PM »
Was out doing some CHRISTmas shopping,decided to stop at an old hardware store, that I had not been in for years. Their gun rack was pretty bare. But way in the back,was 2 Handi rifles,one was a .308 sn HX 22" barrel ,wood stock. The other a .280 sn HV 26"barrel wood stock,which is one I really wanted for a while. So I ask what the price was and they said 249. So I had to ask,what he would take for both out the door. They said 400.00 so I said OK

. Both were new and unfired,the owner said he had order them,a long time ago,for someone and they never picked them up. so it was my lucky day.

Later Tom Ham7777

Highpower Rifle Sharpshooter Class NRA Endowment Member Army 68-71 RVN 1969 117 AHC Warlords/135 AHC EMU Get the Bloody Job Done/ Me and the Aussies at BearCat RVN 1969
.22 Hornet,.223,.243,.308,38-55(3)(2),44mag.,.45Colt,45-70(20+) .20ga.,(3)16ga.,Huntmans .50cal. Huntman's .58cal. 20 ga. Green Wing,12ga Trap,30-30 AI,35 Remington.12ga. Turkey.22-250 Rem,30-30Win.280 Rem, 7mm08Rem,.30Ebbs,.410/45Colt,.410,30-06,.45 Huntsman,12GA. Huntsman,.44mag Shirkari 45-70 Shirkari (2) 22-250Rem. 25-06 .270 .17Rem Fireball (stub) 7X57AI. 500S&W mag. 450 Marlin mag. 2 H&R 45-70 Trap Doors 2 H&R 48 16ga.