Don't know about ritual killings, or such, but a good friend of mine was a constable in St. Francis, Kansas. This was also in the early '80's, and we were out for a visit one summer. He got a call from a local rancher, and had to go investigate a cattle mutilation in this guy's field.I went along for the ride, and got an eyeful. Well, I'll tell you what, this thing was carved like with a scalpel, and only parts were gone. The jaw and tongue, the genitals, and some parts from the inside. The rib cage was sliced open, on a diagonal from just below the shoulder down to the bottom rib, pulled apart, and pretty neat, almost bloodless, cuts of the internal organs. Don't know much about what all is in there, or what it looks like except what I have seen cleaning out deer, but these slices were pretty fine. Don't have a clue as to who or why, but it was there and I saw it. BoomLover