just sized ,and primed some brass to load so i can snd some down the new t/c barrel i got. i loaded some for a 1903 and was up to 50 gr but it would take yer shoulder out'a whack. i'm gonna try varget powder(47 gr.) and start with some speer 150 gr,hot core to sight it in with. #2 what is the proper way to break in a stainless barrel so i don't mess up the rifling of the gun.. any suggestions appreciated..

told y'all i'd have a lot of questions to ask when i first signed up

guess i'd better say ,i've reloaded b4 ,because on one forum(don't go there anymore) they treated me like a knothead for asking reloading questions..i have reloading manuals and go by them ,i just get everyones opinion on hw much is to much,,after all accuracy is what it's about ,,right?