Pre-64's had machined lifters/carriers, etc.
Post-64's has stamped lifters/carriers/roll pins, etc.
Post-71's had cast lifters/carriers, etc.
Given the general outrage over the Model 94 changes of 1964, changing out post-1971 upgraded parts into 1964 to 1970 Model 94's was fairly common with knowledgable owners.
Some pre-64 parts could be made to fit, but the only owners who bothered were those who bought in 1964-1970, before the upgraded drop-in parts were available from Winchester after 1971.
If your Model 94 is a 1974, it should have been issued with the cast carrier.
The cast carrier only LOOKS like a pre-64 machined carrier - the giveaway is the faint mold mark/line that runs down the length of it's center, and the pores visible in the rest/sides.