Sunday was my sunny day, a little cool, and some wind but a good day at the range. Some loads were good, but realized the scope had a slight cant to it. Next batch of experimental loads thought they were escaping a shotgun barrel. So much for that lot, will shoot them to make sure the rifle is on paper than switch to real loads.
I pulled out an old box of mixed 300 Savage loads, factory 180-grain Silvertips, and some 180 Remington C-L. I have no plans on using 180-grain bullets on deer so I fired them to see what they would do on paper. Suddenly the rifle was shooting better than with those green pointed bullets.
Wife decided that today was a good day to clean the deep freezer down in the garage and inventory what we have. For a retired guy this was almost like having a job, she did her part and I had the appropriate level of supervision.
Raining today what I appreciate because winter rains flush the toilet in August.