Author Topic: Shelf life of Pyrodex  (Read 1450 times)

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Offline broken arrow

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« on: October 29, 2003, 08:00:24 AM »
I have Pyrodex pellets and have been using them several years. I was wondering if perhaps it's time to discard them. They smell fine, ignite fine, and have a grey to black color. Is there a finite shelf life to these? I know many of you find using pellets to be "non-traditional" and a far cry from what Ol' Dan'l Boone used in his front-stuffer, But He also had to smear himself with bear scat to keep away mosquitos. I love the things. They have been in a climate controlled environment for several years. Around 5 I guess. Should I toss em'? :?
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Offline Triple Se7en

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2003, 01:27:42 PM »
If recoil with the same powder charge & bullet feels the same as prior years & your shot/target patterns are relatively the same with no hang/misfires, then I see no reason to change.

Shooters who have access to chronographs often keep their data/log book measurements to compare each year prior to the hunting season.  However, not many shooters own one... me included!
............. Keep Your Powder Dry ...................

Offline RandyWakeman

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Re: Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2003, 08:24:37 PM »
Quote from: broken arrow
They smell fine, ignite fine, and have a grey to black color. Is there a finite shelf life to these? Should I toss em'? :?

No, there is no "finite" shelf life--- but after 5 years, I'd toss them-- or, at least never use them in a hunting application.

Without a chrono, you just will never know.

Offline sheephunterab

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2003, 11:37:00 AM »
If they haven't been in a damp environment they should be fine. Randy's advice about shooting a load through the chrono is solid but if it proves okay, then I wouldn't worry too much. I ended up getting a super deal on some loose RS about six or seven years ago and it is still shooting the same velocities as new. I can't see why pellets would be any different and quite likely they are less prone to absorbing moisture. The powder itself has no shelf life as such but moisture could cause some problems.

Offline Will Bison

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2003, 02:33:36 PM »
A few months ago we dug out some old Pyrodex from my powder magazine. This was stuff I bought in the early '70s. Several of us wondered about the viability of it and elected to try it out.

I was a great proponent of Pyrodex but then switched to flint and went back to BP. So the residual Pyrodex sat around for all these years.

My one friend is still a Pyrodex fan and offered up his caplock gun to test it. He reported no change in point of impact at 100 yards. After 30 years the old Pyrodex performed quite well. He compared my old stuff to some recent Pyrodex he had just purchased.

The assumption is that Pyrodex has a good long shelf life if stored properly. Another assumption is that if the POI is the same then no degradation has occured.

I have never tried the pellets so I can't answer your question directly. My friend has no experience with the pellets either.

Hope this helps.

Offline johnt

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2003, 04:32:27 PM »
I'm sorry,, a true sportsmen,,traditonal or not,,will/should keep his powder,projectiles and arm's in top condition. No powder of any form should be used if it's reliability is questioned. Old powder should be used during practice and new fresh ""proven", too the individual"" powder is the only thing that should be takin afield to harvest game.

  Hey! if ya cain't shoot up a lousy 20 pack of pellet's(aka;pyrodex with glue and some BP to get it going) in a few year's,or even 5 bargin clearance packs of wally-mart hodgen pellet''s in a few years', then please, don't go in the wood's for anything but a camp cook or a walk about!

broken arrow,, if yer gonna use modern BP firearms at least come up to modern tech.,speed, OK? try t7

Offline broken arrow

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2003, 06:24:56 PM »
Thanks for all of your replies. Fact is, this is a 100 count box of Pyrodex pellets that have been kept in a climate controlled environment. I used several of them yesterday when sighting in my rifle. They touched off every time and gave me acceptable 100 yard groups. I purchased new powder for hunting this week along with new Winchester Sabots. I took my son on the juvenile hunt this morning. He allowed a decent 8 point to walk as it never presented us with a good opportunity. I hope he returns during muzzleloader opener Monday.
      As for me not needing to be in the woods if I don't shoot this Smoke-Pole fanatically, well, all due respect, but Fundamentals are the same for Black powder rifles as they are for my Robar SR-90. I don't need to shoot this muzzleloader every day to know I can hit my target. I drilled a coyote this morning at 225 meters, olympic standing with a 30.06. I won't do this with my Knight rifle, It's not accurate enough....
      Thanks again. I wish you all the best of luck this upcoming season. :-)
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Offline johnt

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Shelf life of Pyrodex
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2003, 07:43:21 PM »
well then.yesterday you answered your own question didn't you.

It seem's you and I have the same kind of values and ethics, last week my 10 yr old and I were shooting our BP rifles at 250 meters,open sights,off hand. didn't have a yote to shoot at but we were hitting the x sum times. Had a great time, we used up about 2 pounds of powder. It was fun,,one shot at a time.

I'll still be an advocate of "plenty of practice" an fresh powder though,

best wishes too you sir,truely,,,
 If yer young son let game pass,like you say,,,,,,,,,
That's the sport..,well done sir,,well done!

ps. I got a few good recipies for camp cookin! Good food! :D