I can't believe none of you mentioned Ziva from NCIS. Even I can appreciate her good looks and bad girl attitude. ;-)
Actually, I did mention NCIS and the girl.She is good looking, but I like Abbey better.!
The bad girl attitude, is the only part of the show that turns me off.
"Give me a break" That little skinny arm, sexy little thing couldn't whip Richard Simmons!
If they want to give the impression a woman is an equal scrapper to a man, then at least use some monster like one of the Williams girls to play the part, and leave the love scenes to Ziva, and old Tony.
The only show on tv that could tear me away from a good football game was "The Unit"
For some reason, the girlie boys that decide what we can watch, thought it was too manly, and scrapped it.
Really not much worth watching on the tube theses days. That's why I hang out here