Had a long weekend so I read two books: Patriots & One Second After. If you've not read either one, I highly recommend them. If you have, how about we discuss their merits (plus or minus). I know we could do two threads, but I read them back to back, and think it might be interesting to compare/contrast both.
- Both emphasized the absolute need to preserve American Christian values, even in the face of personal sacrifice. In other words, mere living is not survival. I like that; it brings meaning to what we do.
- Both recognized strength in community, with autocratic rule ... no committees or lynch mobs. Put someone in charge, and follow the leader.
- Both valued strong positions ... until they became vulnerable and it was time to move. In which case some hard decisions had to be made about what to take and what to leave, and how.
- Both identified logical medical readiness issues when small things become life threatening.
Patriots was a how-to manual threaded around a story.
One Second After was a story with an occaissional nod to technique.
But read them both and you realize that unless you've been stockpiling for the past decade, you've not stored enough. But beyond that, its mostly about what you KNOW and somewhat about what you HAVE.
What'd y'all think?