Stephen Mack Hollingsworth was born August 18, 1856 at White's Gap, Calhoun County, AL and died January 17, 1924 in Calhoun County, AL Married Zilla Ann Nabors on October 7, 1879 in Jefferson, Alabama. Zilla Ann was born January 22, 1857 in Shelby County, AL and died June 19, 1929 in Calhoun County, AL They are buried at Jacksonville City Cemetery in Jacksonville, Calhoun County, AL
Noah T
Nesbit Gurley
Doland "Dunk"
Mary Levota "Vader"
Dora Berthia
James "Jim"
John Henry Wilburn
Stephen's parents were James R Hollingsworth and Elizabeth Sullivan.
Zilla's parents were James Nabors and Jane Nabors.