While I was waiting for the second relay at Camp Grayling in July this year to shoot my Parrott, Matt Switlik announced over the P.A. a unit in the first relay was short handed and could use some help. I of course can never get in enough shooting, especially a rare treat to shoot at 1,200 yards, so I volunteered to help. Plus I always like falling in with other units when I can to grow & learn as much as I can, not to mention the great contacts you can develop. Five years ago I fell in with Battery D 1st Michigan at the 140th Franklin Tennessee event and got to work under the command of the president of The National Civil War Artillery Association (NCWAA) as well as learned how to make friction primers from his 1st Lt. (have been making them ever since). Needless to say the Michigan Battery had a very tight drill which I brought back to my own unit at home.
Anyway, back to Trail Rock Ordnance (TRO). When I got over there I met Steve Cameron, owner of TRO. I had purchased many sabots from him over the years which were well made, but had never seen his carriage work until this day. It was as nice as any I have ever seen and his prices are very competitive. I had a great time with his crew too. After spending some time with Steve and seeing his equipment first hand, I would not hesitate to purchase either parts or completed carriages from him.
Anthony Variz
Battery D 5th US