For those who have been there and for those who haven't I invite all of you to visit my website (link found below). My cousin Tina came down for a very brief visit while on the way to a fund raising event in South Carolina. Tina is the founder & President of Hunt of a Lifetime which is a non-profit organization similar to Make A Wish only HOAL ONLY grants hunting/fishing trips to life threantened children. While Tina was here she gave me alot of the reviews and thank you letters from participants and their families on the trips the kids took. Over time I will be adding more pages as time allows. I've got 3 new pages up. Have a visit and let them touch your heart.
For those who don't know it, Cabela's is a strong supporter of Hunt of a Lifetime. Let's help support Cabela's by ordering from them whenever we can. This is a very worthy cause!