Well, whatever people call it, tea party. or whatever, it's the same kind of deal that formed our country in the first place when similar things were going on with "those in power". It's a gathering of people against a government that takes our freedom, and from there things can take some kind of shape.
I'm glad that some people are gathering together to fight and let their voice be heard, seems to me to be all different kinds of people, not just one party, this is a good thing really. Should nobody do nothing or ever gather not much could change. I hope these tea parties are only just starting, it's the only place where I see both Dems, Reps, independents, and others gather in the same place, and something could take shape there, maybe even a new independent party. If someone can get votes from the opposite party on just running on a few simple issues, I don't see why an independent could not get votes anywhere right now, just keep it simple. Now is the time for "no party"...if there ever was a time.