i have been around here to long enough that i have disagreed and argued with damn near everyone at one point or another. and just because of i may have had a heated arguement with someone, doesnt mean i dismiss a persons points or views. we all get angry at times and can say some pretty vicious things. the funniest thing is that most times i have really gotten into it with people, the reality is that our opinions are often times very similiar in most regards. it is in the splitting of hairs; the fine print that we g.b.o. members often disagree and then in turn argue over.
no matter how much you may dislike someone, every once in a while they will hit the nail square on the head.
i realize that i get caught up in stuff a little too much at times and i try really hard not to take myself all that seriously. the fact is if g.b.o. members were to meet and have no idea who they were talking to, they would probably be very good friends by the end of the day.
and i know that billy doesnt enjoy the suffering of those people, in fact i can see it disgusts him as much as anyone. billy has a different view, and he is setting emotion aside and voicing it in a different manner, which i understand upsets and angers some people. but he is right that alot of this didnt need to be as bad as it is. understand those people were SCREWED long before the earthquake hit. in fact, the quake might turn out to be the best thing that has happened to the survivors in their lives. it is hard to believe from our understanding of the world, but look at it through their eyes.
so there is no big revelation to me, i am just taking things alot less seriously these days and seeing it for how it is.