When I moved to Southern CA from the East coast I noticed the News did not go World, country, state, Local. As it did in NY or VA.
It went in the reverse order and then they tied everthing ouside of Local back to local news.
I then realized that these people putting on the news think the world revolves around them and are shallow, small minded people, and everything has to be about them. Some how, some one has been telling, or writing it on his teleprompter, (Do you think he needs the teleprompter to make love to Michelle? or talk to his daughters at the breakfast table? " Someone please move the box of Cherrios I can not see the question on the teleprompter I am supose to ask you to show I am a loving and caring father") that he is great and the savior, not of the world but of the communist movement and he is so slick he can slide communism/ socalism past the capitalists.
If you listen to BHO he never says We he says I, unless there is a problem then he says BUSH, inherited, systemic, or previous.
Heck I heard he wants to rename the fault line that runs through Hati to "It's all Bush's fault".
Everything is Me, My and get upset when what he thinks could or should work does not proving he thinks this is his little fantacy world and he is too stupid to understand reality but to arrogant to want to learn about it. I have also found that the dumbest people will insist that they are smart.