I came across some old infmation about using 375 winchester brass, for the 357 herret , and I slike a whole lot better, the article, was on the internet and some how I deleted it and can't seem to find it,I forgot to put it in my favorites and whent to another spot, double darn, if anyone knows of the site please let me know.
Anyway it is a bounch easier to work with, i did some measuring and comparing formed and not yet fireformed 30-30 win brass and compared fire formed brass and it is remarkably the same do anyone out there doing this or using 375win brass, and what loading are you using as of right now 180 grain hornady ssp and 180 grain xtp's are being run out of it with 28.0 grains of IMR 4198 for some wierd reason i'm getting awsome accuracy out to 100 yards with the worst 5 round gruop of 5/8's of an inch out of a 10 " factory barrrel for right now i'll be using the 30-30 brass for this loading untill the 375 winchester is worked with.
Deer season here in georgia (gun hunting) stars in my zone in 2 weeks
and I plane on knocking down at least one with it.