A "Bubba-ized" rifle is a rifle that somebody's cousin Bubba (read that as a dummy) ruined, by doing his own very cheap "sporterizing" job on, probably in his basement, generally on an old miliatry rifle, but often on a sporter model (such as a Rem 700). Common features are a cut-off (shortened) barrel with no front sight, a sawed-off military stock (commonly the forestock, yet often the butt-stock), a cold-blueing job, hand-carvings (sometimes notches) in the stock, a camo paint job on a wooden stock, and sometimes even a spray painted action and barrel. Often these were done to full sized, surplus military rifles, with the best of intentions, expecially in the 1950s and 1960s, but the end result is to totally ruin the collectability and resale value of the rifle.
When you find one of these, they are really worth no more than the action itself. Dealers selling these at gunshows are fully aware of this, so don't fall for their BS about how it is a great "shooter" and worth almost the same as a regular used rifle in good shape. The Dealer paid no more than $75 to $100 for it, and you should pay no more than $150 to $200 for it.
Couldn't find one at the first gun show? That's OK, keep going to large shows, and eventually you will find lots of them. Do the sellers have high prices on them? So what. Ignore the prices. Go to the shows on Sunday at 2:00, bring cash, and only offer what it is worth. Be prepared to walk away. You will get one.